
Showing posts from December, 2018

Steve Shives: The Soy-Infected Facist

Ah, my first polemic. You, know they say you never forget your first love but I think for me, being the lovable curmudgeon that I am, it may be the first hate. Perhaps, the first "extreme dislike" is more apropo, but that isn't quite as catchy. I think that hatred, though it often provides rather junky energy can, in fact, be tremendous cause to spring out of bed in the morning. Further, the cleverest of this breed of curmudgeon may attempt to canalize this energy into writing. This is what happens on a given evening when I have had three beers instead of two. In my defense, I was left without adult supervision. Here goes... I have recently developed a quiet obsession with the YouTube skeptic community. These include such luminaries as Sargon of Akkad (who very recently had his Patreon membership withdrawn and he has a new account for his supporters which is here:; please give) and Bearing (